Hello RTS Families,
Well, we've arrived at the end of another month and also (by the undying love of community and eternal optimism) we have arrived at the end of our year together.
Typically, the month of May at RTS is my favorite. And this year was no exception. After so many months of being together and becoming comfortable in this space, there is a heightened level of authentic engagement with one another and in all that RTS has to offer. Any shyness and trepidation is long dissolved. Learners discover that they truly are co-creators of this unique learning community.
And then, just as we are having the most fun we've had together all year, it comes to a quite close. Unlike most educational environments in which children count down the days until summer vacation, I can guarantee that the majority of our learners will be spending their summer break counting down the days for Rock Tree Sky to begin again.
(Although, after that dozy of a year, I must admit I will be milking each day of summer break for all that it's worth).
In this abbreviated Monthly Messenger you will find photos and reflections from the month of may and calendar updates for June.
As always, Be Well and Stay Curious,
With love from the RTS Staff
Looking Towards June
Wednesday June 9th- LAST DAY 12:30pm Dismissal, 12:30-1:30pm Spring Exposition Gallery Walk for Tuesday/Wednesday attendees
Friday June 11th- LAST DAY 12:30pm Dismissal, 12:30-1:30pm Spring Exposition Gallery Walk for Thursday/Friday attendees
June 12th - September 6th- RTS is closed for Summer Break
Reflections From May
May was action packed and fun filled at Rock Tree Sky.
With the Mushroom House Cobb project wrapping up, the teens were able to fill the house with buckets of inoculated straw in order to cultivate oyster mushrooms for the new Ojai Farmers Market. You'll be able to find the RTS Mushroom Growers at the midweek farmers market, Thursday evenings from 3pm-7:30pm.
Other crops harvested this month on campus include lots and lots of fava beans. Learners of all ages had fun harvesting, shelling, and eating fava beans throughout the month.
Learners also were overjoyed to find the mulberries ripening throughout the month of may. Waiting for the mulberries to ripen is a practice in patience. And enjoying the mulberries once they begin to drop is a practice in sharing. Both challenging important skills for any member of a community to develop.
Many plants also went into the ground this month. At the end of May a group of parent volunteers came together to plant several oak transplants and California natives in the lower field. This oak circle demonstration will be be an educational experience for us all as we navigate drought and gofers. And it will also truly be a practice in patience as it will be several years before we enjoy the shady benefits of the oak circle.
Some favorite activities of the month included making glass beads with Miss Kim in the art room, building epic marble tracks in the imagination room, painting cardboard box forts, making deviled eggs with Chrissy in the garden, sculpting clay spirit animals, forging knifes, and mostly playing with friends.
We are looking forward to wrapping up our year together over the next two weeks, and while we definitely intend on fully enjoying our summer break, we are also anticipating a joyful coming back together in September with a less restrictions and more possibilities!